Friday, 26 October 2012

weather report,a little late

I know Thursday was yesterday but I am struggling to write this post as we have had to change the keyboard (some not-so-smart person left a little container of water next to the keyboard and surprise surprise it spilt) and the configurqtion - that's configuration - of the alphabets of the French keyboard is totally different from the English/American  one.  Shouldn't there be one internqtionql one?  I can no longer type from memory (haha you thought I didn't have one) but have to hunt for the  letters as I type.  Ok, small problem.  

We may soon have to turn the heaters on in the apartment; it is getting colder although nature still springs a surprise on us now and then.  The previous week was wet and cold so we readied ourselves for a weekend of museums and lounging at home with popcorn and movies.  I am just so amazed that there is so much history and culture at our doorstep; in our quartier, which is what we call neighbourhood in French, there is the Cluny Medieval Museum, a 15th century mansion built on the foundations of Roman thermal baths.  We spent our Sunday morning admiring busts and Gothic architecture and looking for the baby unicorn in the famous tapestries of  The Lady and the Unicorn.

Well, the day then turned out to be beautiful and the sunshine almost lasted till yesterday.  Hopefullers like me dug out their summer clothes and sunglasses, sat out in cafes and rooftoop terraces and ate ice cream.  It didn't last - well, it did last a bit longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage.  

A summery treat for a summery day.

 Our friend Vincent who brought the summery treat and with whom we enjoyed the summery day.

Our Malaysian friends who expected cooler weather having come from chilly London had the opportunity to lunch on our famous rooftop terrace.

While admiring other rooftops...

I hesitated only for a fraction of a second to include the photo of the Notre Dame.

Today they are meant to be cruising along the Seine river.  Probably not the best day to do it as it is grey and cold today.  I think I will go and cook them an extra hot nasi briyani to zqr; the; up. 
TO WARM THEM UP.  Bloody keyboqrd.

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